"Immigrants to America " (advantages and disadvantages)

Mar 10, 2014, 09:40 AM

Immigrants to America

Hello listeners! I am Filiberto and this is the eighth episode of TeenVoicesOnline in high school "Gabino Barreda" in Mexico City.

Today I am a little sad, because this day I will talk about my Mexican countrymen and the issue of migration. This chapter is different from others, here I will show the subject of Mexicans go to the United States in search of the American dream because in their country they don´t have the necessary resources.

This ofcourse has its advantages and disadvantages but usually trying to get it cost them their lives.

With the new reforms in the U.S.A. , our compatriots mexican seeking work in the north country are at risk.These people are criticized, but the conditions in which they live are very bad and are forced to do that. It should be noted that mexican immigrants are an important work force of the U.S.A. economy.

First of all, I think that Mexicans do a great work in the USA and are treated as the worst, there are great advantages for people who migrate . Mainly economical opportunities to raise their families. In my opinion it is bad crossing to the northern country , but with such progress it would be the only way out.

The disadvantages are forced to leave their families, leave their roots and go to a distant and uncertain world.

I think the U.S.A. government is way too severe, since migrants are an important part of society . However they are treated in the worst way and lose their dignity.

Well guys, this chapter showed the main advantages and disadvantages but obviously never going to be pleased to leave our home to go to the unknown in an unprotected form. In the following days we will have new chapters that always help to understand a topic and help you understand it better. Your friend and servant Filiberto Sevilla wish you a nice evening.