I will give myself permission to trust in God

Mar 12, 2014, 09:52 AM

Day 8 March 12- Wednesday. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream, is an old children's song with deep meaning. If we were to say that our spiritual life boat is always floating merrily down the stream would this be conducive to spiritual growth ? When the sea of life becomes choppy, do we * immediately * put our faith and * trust * in God or do we constantly rely on ourselves to make it alone ? Do we quickly learn trust or do we meet ourselves once again on the stormy seas with a boat taking on water ? The spiritual life sets before us many challenges which bring us to surrender. God allows us to set sail into choppy waters wanting nothing more than to save us from ourselves.

Come and join us live every Midnight (GMT) on our Livetream Virtual TV/Internet channel where we gather as children of Gaia and our Holy Father Mother God/Dess unite in reflective prayer, meditation with sacred chants/music to raise the Earth’s vibration ~ One Collective Consciousness ♥ Joy Love Peace UNITy http://www.livestream.com/franciscansoulmates4peace

Details about Brother Sean are available by visiting our website at http://www.interfaithfranciscans.com http://www.celticfranciscanmonk.com http://barefootbrothersean.wordpress.com/