Boo #8: Concerning Voices...

Mar 16, 2014, 02:16 PM

I'm currently on an epic quest of mythic proportions (in my own mind at least!) to discover my own writing voice, so this month's Boo is particularly poignant for me as I've got to an important crossroads of drafting "my gnome gnovel" where I need to decide how to proceed. Redrafting and going back over your own scribbles to make changes is perhaps one of the hardest things a writer has to do (every syllable seems precious sometimes) but difficult decisions are always worth exploring and there's always a reason for that little voice in the back of your head telling you something's wrong with your scribbles as they stand. So I'm starting out in these early months of 2014 going back to the start (doubling back again!) for a bit of a "spring clean", to take out the initial chapter written from the first person point of view...

As I say in this Boo, I love writing stories with this voice but it's just not going to work for this particular book. If you'd like to see some of my stories written in the first person narrative though, head across to my Official Writing Homepage and click on the Fez (for a story about the urban adventures of Jackie Armstrong) and also on the model van (for a rip-roaring tale with a certain familiar archaeologist adventurer...)