Unit 4 Unit 4 “Hopes & Fears”

Mar 31, 2014, 05:12 AM

Emanuel the conference of LoL (League of Legends) it’s here in South Korea, I’m working here and I invite you to come. I hope you don’t have any inconvenience to come. I will pay you your tickets, and you will stay in my new house. Don´t worry for the food and money, my assistant will do anything for you. Well, If you come, take a taxi at the airport and give him my address, it’s Avenue of the dragon next to the street of sushi. You will see my house, it’s the biggest of the street, ring the bell and my wife will open the door for you. Come before of 27th of July. PD: Our team play in the conference xD Manu

Reply To: zr.manu@hotmail.com From: emanueljuarez@gmail.com

Manu: I don’t have any inconvenient to go of South Korea, in this moment I take my jet to go. Today is 24th of July, I arrive in time for the conference, will you play with your team? Remember you are the ADC (Attack Damage Carry) the most important player in the team…and the game is lost without you… think about it. I call you when I arrive, you number still it’s 55-49-81-76-48?, well I suppose it’s See you on Monday P.D: Bring me a good breakfast in your name Emanuel