Unit 7 "Time & Money"

Mar 31, 2014, 05:46 AM

Schools and universities don’t teach students enough about how to manage their time The university, probably one of the most difficult stages in the life. But… Why is so difficult? It’s the problem of the teachers? The students aren’t smarts enough? I don’t think so, I think it’s because in life the parents and teachers teach you a lot of things but one of the most important like manage their time they never say anything. We travel around life rushing, and when we have free time we don’t do useful things or spend a lot of time in a short activity. When you open the eyes and you came out of the dream live state you think: “I never learn how to manage my time”. And the consequences are you never sleep well, because all the night you are do homework. Your notes in the school go down and you are in a terrible state of anger with yourself. For this reasons in the universities must teach how to manage time, if the institutions teach this, the students become the the best people, the best students and we have the best grades.