James & Rubi to Represent La Mare Primary

May 03, 2014, 12:12 PM

On Wednesday 14th May Guernsey will play its part in a worldwide event, which is the Queen's Baton Relay. Whilst it is welcomed at a private reception at Beau Sejour tomorrow evening, on Wednesday we are touring a number of Primary Schools here in Guernsey. We start our tour at 9am at Le Houguette School before reaching La Mare de Carteret Primary School around midday.

James Le Tissier, from Year 6, is one of the batonbearers due to represent his school that day. He enjoys playing Table Tennis & Football and has many excellent qualities which his headteacher highlighted were some of the reasons why he was selected to represent his school in this global event, that has so far toured 65 countries. He was highlighted as a kind child with a caring attitude whilst being consistently hard working and is always helpful and often gives up his own free time.

Rubi Hockey from Year 3 has demonstrated a real talent for Netball. Her school has highlighted that she has a real talent for netball and has a good attitude and is a reliable team player.