#AudioMo Day 6 Outlook Audio Magazine Summer 2014 - TouchDown Dance: An Art Sport around Continual Contact Improvisation, specifically designed for People who are Vision Impaired

Episode 453,   Jun 06, 2014, 09:10 AM


This OutLOOK Summer magazine for 2014 is one of 10 magazines in which I have collaborated with Visually Impaired Young People through a Youth Project called OutLOOK which is run by the charity LOOK 'The National Federation of Families with Visually Impaired Children' as part of my work at All Formats. The Young People act as Roving Reporters and record the articles which I then edit and produce. We give helpful feedback in order that they can continue to progress their skills. This magazine was funded by the Grantham York Trust. More information about Look can be found at: www.look-uk.org All Formats website is at: www.allformats.org.uk #Look #Outlook #QueenAlexAndraCollege #AllFormats #OlympusAudio