#OnThisDay Friday 6th June 2014 - The YMCA was founded in London on this day in 1844...

Jun 06, 2014, 05:00 PM

The #OnThisDay take on the anniversary of the foundation of The Young Men's Christian Association on this day in 1844. It was founded in London by George Williams, a twenty two year old former farmer and department store worker who was troubled by the plight of other young men who migrated to London from rural areas to find jobs. The YMCA was designed as a a refuge of Bible study and prayer for any of the young men seeking to escape from a life on the streets.

'On This Day...Friday 6th June 2014' Written, performed, edited and produced by Richard Usher

'On This Day...Friday 6th June 2014' © Larynx Productions and Richard Usher 2014
