Every moment a watch, a panic in love

Jun 19, 2014, 11:29 AM

Every moment a watch, a panic in love

Poem by Marc Aupiais Below the folds of your skirt, or dress, I have Taken refuge!

A beautiful dress on a beautiful girl, Yet hide me, Hide me in your folds, In your home I've Taken refuge.

I look to you, Your love sustains me! I look within your heart! but yet- hope it's entirely Mine!

And from below your skirts, Hiding- I observe the world! And next to your feet, I crawl!

I am absorbed into love, I want no escape, The bars I strengthen, I dare not bend them!

And your voice is heaven, Your absence like hell!

Your's are my chime and my bell, And my comfort in pain!

And that is why I judge my fair dame! For you are so much, I fear becoming lame, And some shame!

I judge you so, For I love, And though I trust, I love!

#Poetry #Marc #Aupiais