Artist: 'Skull' Title:'Spit Ball'

Jun 29, 2014, 01:04 PM

The newest hip-hop 'artist' in the Newcastle area. This is just a raw recording of me having some fun over a backing track I liked. Ambitions of writing and releasing more over time. Enjoy & shit.

LYRICS: Shit, my nose didn't even bleed at all this time. A dance to DeathGrips told me I was ready for a good time.. I nodded to my accomplice in fun & games. As we wrapped up the cage and packed up our brains.

Off to the pub Like the vamps from the movie with the shiny queer, that made Italian just for Bella to fit the mortal dinner status-quo. Beers had no effect on us though, we just had a few to distract the crows.

Killing time, waiting for the club scene. Ran into an old friend, "Where the fuck have you been?" Working, studying, earning, learning. Good stuff, me too, excuse me, my nose is burning.

By now our pupils be looking like the black ball, that we didn't get to sink because we suck at pool. We waved a good damn bye, and shook allot of hands, as we left the green table and headed for the train man.

I threw myself. I sat down in a chair. Before I knew it, god damn we were there. Hot ladies, maybies, & big fat no-no's. I'd like to hope I wouldn't wake you up before I go-go.

Seriously though, there was skirt blowin' in the freezing wind. If you go home alone, you can use that icicle on your chin, as a ding-a-ling, in your thing. Ram it on in, take a sip of your Elev8 or Pulse tin.

"Let's go to Argyle.", whined Kharlee, from across the road. Not a hope in hell, the line-up's longer than you can deep throat. I know you're experienced with dealing with long things, but this one doesn't have nuts for you to attack or play with.

Ended up at Finnegan's. It was just dead. There was something wrong in there, it was playing with my head. I said, "I don't like it. Let's go elsewhere instead."

*backing track and any instruments excluding my own voice are not under my ownership nor do I posses any rights.