DDoS Attack Spotlight | Q1 2014 DDoS Trends | Prolexic Podcast

Jul 17, 2014, 09:48 AM

http://www.prolexic.com/knowledge-center-ddos-attack-report-Q1-2014-attack-spotlight-audio.html | In Q1 2014, DDoS attackers chose a new and powerful DDoS technology to launch their attacks – enabling the largest attack ever to cross the Prolexic (now part of Akamai) mitigation network. Find out more about the most popular industry targets, techniques, trends and other cyber-threat statistics in the full Prolexic Q1 2014 DDoS attack report, available for a free download at: http://www.prolexic.com/knowledge-center-ddos-attack-report-Q1-2014-attack-spotlight-audio.html