LGA Confrence: Emily Davison's Speech

Jul 24, 2014, 10:17 AM

Welcome to the audioboo channel for BlindChildren UK-a charity dedicated to transforming the lives of visually impaired children. Hear Emily's speech as she describes growing up with a sight impairment and how having habilitation workers has transformed her life. Enabling her to acheive her dreams of going to University, getting a guide dog, obtaining employment and living the life that she chooses to leave. Social Links Website:http://www.blindchildrenuk.org/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/blindchildrenuk YouTube: http://www.bing.com/search?q=blind+children+uk+youtube&qs=n&form=QBRE&pq=blind+children+uk+youtube&sc=0-18&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=3df8473388c74cb6bd1c1e486f4f3b8d