Friday July 25 10PM Vigil 'What is my relationship with God?'

Jul 25, 2014, 09:39 PM

I felt in my heart that my relationship has been one of CHAOS, not knowing which way to turn, which way to move, what to believe. For humanity has brainwashed us, our parents and their parents and so on and so on, it goes on and on and on and on. God became one of FEAR, we had our brains implanted with words of FEAR, violence, greed, jealousy and so on. We became drones, androids, I could see in my minds eye, rows and rows of robots all dressed the same, all with the same chip and pin, which read, Hello my name is FEAR, all acting and doing the same thing, we have allowed the power of others to take away our uniqueness, we have become suppressed, clouded, doubtful and very fearful of our loving Father/Mother GOD. This is where I have operated from most of my life a FEARFUL, disillusioned Elaine. I felt so liberated to have been given the gift of sight, to see the illusion of FEAR, the turmoil, the chaos, the drones, robots all lined up ready to serve FEAR. This is not who I am. I am GODS child, not the child of FEAR. I am no longer suppressed by chains, by illusion. Heaven is with me now, I am in Heaven as I walk through the Dene, I have come out of the chaos of HELL, into the loving arms of GOD, nature all around me, this is GODS/ MOTHER EARTH beautiful KINGDOM (HEAVEN) My being feels more alive and excited, I am bathed in pure blissfulness. The vision I have is one of love, peacefulness, kindness, compassion, strength, nurturing and wisdom, yes wisdom. GOD has blessed me with wisdom today and I thank GOD with all of my being. I stopped and paused, turned my head to the left, breathed in the loving energy from the Earth and their sat on the branch of a tree was the most beautiful barn owl. I was in total awe, star struck, we both looked at each other and I started to talk with the owl. I told the Owl it was very beautiful and that I was honored to have seen it in all of it's glory. I wanted that moment to last forever, I kept thanking GOD (WOW) that moment will stay with me always. Before I could find my phone to take a photo, it flew off and I continued on my journey to work with an excitement of love. I have printed an image of the likeness of the Barn Owl I saw today and I love looking at it. My relationship with GOD is trust, love and believe, to believe with all of your heart and to stay strong, surrender and watch the miracles unfold before our very eyes. GODS way is the right way. Say no to human conditioning and say yes to GOD.