Peter Capaldi's Doctor Who Flirting Ban & Missing Episodes

Jul 29, 2014, 01:12 PM

We're back, and my word what a packed podKast we have, brimming with #DoctorWho news from the past week - because, frankly, there has been a lot.

From Steven Moffat's unusual comment about the Doctor not referring to himself as the "nth" (no one said he did, did they?!) to the recent Peter Capaldi interview in the Sunday Times Magazine, Christian Cawley, James McLean and Brian Terranova cover a lot of ground and share their thoughts about these and many more topics.

Recording this on Monday afternoon, the heat possibly played a part in some... confused comments from both Christian and James. We'll say it was the heat, anyway, and hope it was nothing to do with some saddening reliance on ginger beer.

So, with all this in mind, it's time to hit play!