Episode 82: Cubs Shortstops, Mets Pitchers, Unfair Trivia

Aug 20, 2014, 12:30 AM

In the "The Mets should draft Dwight Gooden every year" edition, Jeffrey first needs to tell you all about Vicente Lupo stealing home in an Appy League game. Then Chris and Jeffrey talk about the trade rumors (still) swirling around the Mets and the Cubs. Jeffrey still doesn't think a prospect-for-prospect trade is going to happen, but we'll still cover each of the meain candidates, and yes, even play the jingle. Next, we discuss the Mets 2014 rotation and what it might mean for the Mets 2015 rotation, and how much news Matt Harvey will make before he even steps on the mound again. Then, Chris asks Jeffrey five questions about his Savannah/Kingsport trip, and we wrap things up with a sadly overlooked e-mail.