Scraponomics Episode 44: Why are Weights and Units of Measurement Important in Recycling?

Sep 04, 2014, 01:25 PM

It may be rainy this morning in Lansing, but here's some Scraponomics to brighten things up!

Last time, we started talking about the importance of weights and units of measurement in the recycling industry. We began by discussing the different units we use at Friedland, like Gross Ton and Net Ton, and how they’re different. Remember, 1 Net Ton = 2,000 lbs., but 1 Gross Ton = 2,240 lbs.

Here’s the issue. When we’re talking about 100,000 lbs. of material, you have to be careful. Here’s why...

#Scraponomics #Recycling #Economics #ScrapProcessing #Recycle #Weights #UnitsOfMeasurement #GrossTon #GT #NetTon #NT #Pounds #LB