BiH 2014: The spectacular Sarajevo to Mostar railway line

Aug 25, 2014, 08:31 AM

The British may have exported railways to large chunks of the world but we have the Austro-Hungarians to thank for some pretty impressive lines running through the Balkans. As something of a rail travel evangelist, not to mention a long time follower of The Man In @SeatSixtyOne I couldn't visit Bosnia and Herzegovina without making a railway journey through the mountains.

And so it was that Mark and I found ourselves sharing a compartment with a lovely family from Wembley on the two and a half hour ride to Mostar, counting tunnels, gawping at deep valleys and craggy hill tops, and taking countless photographs. This recording includes a bit of commentary halfway through, but is mostly onboard atmosphere as the train took us from one picture postcard view to another.

In practical terms the train was perfectly comfortable and the tickets cheap. I would recommend visiting for full times, ticket options and descriptions.

#holiday #weekend #Sarajevo #Mostar #bosnia #Herzegovina #BiH #2BiH14 #railway #spectacular #view #seat61 #train #journey #photography #tunnel #bridge #atmosphere #ambience #fb