Transfer test time - are grammar school entrance exams here to stay? #BBCNolan

Nov 10, 2014, 09:35 AM

The 11 plus was abolished years ago. But transfer tests for grammar schools are still very much a reality. Thousands of children across took part in the first wave of these tests on Saturday. There are more to come. So are tests set by grammar school a permanent solution? Is this as good as it gets? And how well does it serve children and schools? Since the 11 plus was abolished in 2008 children now sit unregulated transfer tests, set by two different bodies. What do you think - is academic selection necessary or damaging? Should we just accept that grammar school entrance tests are here to stay? We hear from Ralph Magee principal of Andrews Memorial Primary in Comber, Andy McMoran, former principal at Ashfield Boys School in Belfast, Maggie Swarbrick's son sat the test on Saturday and we take your calls