Interview 16 Dec 2014 BBC Radio Ulster

Dec 16, 2014, 08:48 PM

Ballinlea Resident Brian Connolly discusses Rathlin Energy's plans for the North Coast area. The interview notes MLA absence at recent Protect Our North Coast (PONC) meetings.

“As a Ballinlea Resident, I am very concerned about Rathlin Energy’s Planning Application (E/2013/0093/F), for the proposed ‘Oil & Gas Exploration Well’ at the Ballinlea Drill Site 2, just south of Ballintoy in North Antrim. I and other local residents, have serious concerns about the potential health, environmental and economic impacts that this specific application presents. We are also very concerned about the longer term impacts and implications of this proposed industrial exploration will represent for the whole license area which stretches from Magilligan to Ballycastle and south to Garvagh. #Fracking #ProtectOurNorthCoast #NorthernIreland