I Hate Hugs

Dec 23, 2014, 02:16 AM

I'm not a hugger. Full stop. I hate hugs. Hate Hate Hate! Huggers are creepers, who sneakily appear in situations and just release the almighty hug and there's nothing I can about it but stand there like a stunned mullet pondering the awkwardness of the situation and how the hell I can get out of it without someone saying "Aw your awkward, Brendo". No Face to Face hugs, no cheek kissing hugs, no super tight and uncomfortable hugs, no awkward hugs, no one armed hugs and for the love of god - no group hugs! I'm the type of person they probably write books about. Read more at http://www.brendo.com.au

#grumpy #hugs #bodycontact #awkward #uncomfortable #touchy #feely #greeting #gesture #christmas #family #relationships #love #contact #personal #brendo #albury #wodonga #energy #publicdisplayofaffection #pda #DrPhil #doctor #anxiety #hug