Former radical Islamist on Al Qaeda responsibility claim.

Jan 14, 2015, 06:30 PM

A spokesman for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or AQAP has said it was behind the attack on the Paris satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. A man called Nasr Al Ansi also threatened the West with more attacks. One person who knows Yemen and AQAP well is Morten Storm, a former radical Islamist who claims to have acted as a double agent on behalf of the CIA, Mi6 and Danish intelligence. In his book, Agent Storm, the former Danish biker claims to have been responsible for helping the Americans to kill Anwar al Awlaki, an Al Qaeda leader in Yemen. Storm is facing multiple death threats and is currently living at a secret address. But he talked over a crackly internet line with Malcolm Brabant about Al Qaeda’s claim of responsibility for Paris.