The Lowdown From Europe.Brussels - February 2015

Feb 04, 2015, 09:58 PM

In this months report from the Europe Brussels Liaison office, Patrick tells us of three wonderful cultural events taking place in Brussels this February: an exhibition called SHOCK!1914 which highlights the role of the media at the start of WW1: the wonderful Anima festival, Brussels' very own International Animated Film Festival which will host the premiere of the Shaun the Sheep Movie from Aardmanstudios and finally the Congolisation Festival which celebrates the contribution that the Conoglese diaspora has made to Belgian and the rest of the world. Patrick also tells us about the Brussels Antique and Fine Arts fair which unfortunately we missed but you may want to put it in your diary for next year and we also hear about the origin of the trendy neighbourhood in Brussels called, the Marolles. Olivier joins us from the helpdesk and gives us some useful information about labour contracts and regulations regarding job dismissal.