"It would have been my son's birthday on Friday"

Mar 15, 2015, 10:45 AM

It's been a harrowing week for families of victims of the Hillsborough disaster. Ninety six Liverpool fans died at the stadium in Sheffield in 1989 and the inquests began almost 12 months ago. The policeman in charge at the match - who has never before answered questions in court about Hillsborough - gave evidence this week. David Duckenfield told the jury he had lied about the disaster by failing to say that he had given the order for a gate to be opened. He apologised to the families. One of those who heard him was Margaret Aspinall whose son James died in the crush. James would have been 44 on Friday. Today is Mothering Sunday, and yet Mrs Aspinall agreed to record her diary of the week for this morning's programme: