Slimy Concotions with Ms. T.K. the Chemist

Mar 26, 2015, 07:38 PM

SLIMY CONCOCTIONS with Ms.T.K. the Chemist

Ingredients: • 1 - 4oz bottle of clear or blue gel Elmer's glue • 1 cup of warm water • Food Coloring (Optional) • 2 teaspoons of Borax • 1/3 cup of warm water • 2 small bowls or cups • A sandwich bag • 1 spoon


Step 1: In a small cup, mix together the Elmer's glue and the 1 cup of warm water. Add 3-4 drops of food coloring of your choice, if you want some colorful slime!

Step 2: In a separate small bowl mix together the 1/3 cup warm water and 2 teaspoons of borax. Stir until the borax is dissolved. Now add about 2 tablespoons of the borax solution to the glue solution. You don’t have to use all of the borax solution. Stir continuously while adding the solution until you get the consistency you want.

*Please note that the more borax solution you add the stiffer the slime will be. So if you want the slime to be runnier, then add less borax solution. Your slimy concoction should begin to stick together and playable!

This recipe can make a small batch that you will want to store inside of a sandwich bag. It will last up to 2 weeks in the bag. To prevent it from molding, keep the bag sealed when not in use. This slime is NOT suitable for small children or pets who might want to explore and put this in their mouth!

Borax can be found at most grocery stores alongside the laundry detergents.

Have fun! Scientifically yours, Ms. T.K. the Chemist