Audio April2

Apr 02, 2015, 02:35 PM

I had a quiet house so I took advantage. have a great Easter everyone those who celebrate it. It's the most important week in the Christian Calendar if you don't believe in it that's fine. I rthink we all can come together in unity though in one thing that is on this journey of life we are all struggling with something. And the important thing is, to always say how you feel. If the person listening isn't open to what you are telling them, or if they have a problem with what you are saying that's their issue. Once we are being through to ourselves that's all that matters and we are not keeping things in. These vocals are not perfect and i'll probably come bak to Ave Maria again :) need to work on technique and actually purchase this backing track I found :) but hey the more I sing these things the better and these are just fun recordings :) #AveMaria#BrightBlueRose. I really shouldn't have coffee before I sing though lol but had a beautiful day and felt inspired on this holy Thursday!