Akaash Can't Handle Compliments

Season 1, Episode 3,   Apr 24, 2015, 08:22 PM

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In the "discussion" segment of American Desis, Akaash and Arjun speak about themes that resonated with them during the interview. This week, in response to Gotham Chopra's interview Akaash and Arjun begin by with gushing about Gotham's humility and hospitality, and dive into Arjun's man crush on him. The conversation then moves to a discussion on what we're holding on to, holding a space for South Asian and American Culture, and Gotham's name change. In the community section, Akaash continue the name discussion in response to a lister's thoughts on the issue, and then move into language. How important is holding onto language when holding onto culture? Also, Arjun has big news to share with us, and he is extremely complimentary of Akaash, and Akaash handles those compliments poorly. As always, remember to rate, subscribe, review, download, and spread the word. We are only as strong as our community and we continue to hope you will join!