Here’s the Key to Turning Your Failures into Opportunities

Jul 09, 2015, 07:30 AM

My guest today has a passion for assisting small business owners and entrepreneurs in starting and protecting their businesses. Along side her husband, she pioneered the business filings industry with in 1997, whilst they were both at law school. A Fortune 500 company acquired in 2005, which allowed her to retire at the young age of 30. She hated being retired and soon grew restless, so she and Phil founded Corpnet prepares and files the documents necessary to start a new business in any state or county in the U.S., and sends alerts to up-and-running businesses when annual reports and other business filings are due. My guest's companies combined have helped more than 100,000 corporations and LLCs get started. Now, let's hack Nellie Akalp. In this 33-minute episode Nellie Akalp and I discuss:

How and why being nice goes a long way in life and business Why you can't fake authenticity Going after your dreams and making your mark in the world How being an entrepreneur can allow you to be a better parent Learning to politely declining offers (and stay focused)

The Show Notes

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