Swings and Misses

Season 1, Episode 24,   Jul 10, 2015, 12:35 AM

In this discussion episode about our time with Parvesh Cheena, we start of with a realization I had about my energy in the interview. Akaash and I discuss this sense that I was seeking something specific from the interview and not allowing it to just develop. I come to understand that I was looking for Parvesh to become an advocate for something that may no longer need it. We explore the root of that and discuss the possible reality that we can the world is a much better place for the gay community and we should become excited for this future generation that will guide us into a space of further openness and compassion. We then continue talking about how we want our American Desi community to be inclusive and that the politics of exclusion should not be tolerated.

We then move into community and discuss the tweets and emails we have received. One of them harkened back to our live panel at USC and gave us the opportunity to talk about overlapping communities and how this concept can free some of the ethical pressure that surrounds the intrinsic exclusion that occurs when a community is formed. We can create an American Desis community that is centered around our “desi-ness” because there are other communities that focus on religion or dance or sports. We also get an email from a white man about race that triggers some conflict for Akaash, and then later Arjun makes some stupid jokes and says “hoes.” Listen. we called it swings and misses for a reason folks. Listen and enjoy!