Mark Solan (part 1) local man tells how his life has inspired him to raise money for and set up a trust to help those who are dealing with Cancer

Aug 24, 2015, 07:37 PM

@bishopfm interviews Mark Solan and Alan about Marks recent nomination for The Pride Of Britain Awards, following his #fundraising through #ultrawhitecollarboxing #fight . Now setting up The Solan Connor Fawcett Family Cancer Trust the aim is to help those dealing with Cancer. Follow his story Twitter @Team_solan1, Facebook and help via #localhero #spennymoor #durham #beinspired Pauline Fothergill and @rozpeverall take you through the first 3 parts of the story. We will #interview Mark and his #wingman again 21st September 2015 to chart their progress part 1