Wild Escape from the Respectable Inn - Fun With Fritz ep02 - by Fritz Donnelly

Sep 05, 2015, 06:13 AM


"Normally in Dungeons and Dragons, you don't get a magical bag right away. It must be a cursed bag." Sally forth with the adventuring party as they flee the burning Inn while impersonating the authorities.

TAXONOMY - broadcast on live radio in NYC on RADIO FREE BROOKLYN radiofreebrooklyn.com - part 2 of the Adventures of Miraman Cloudhair's Adventuring Clique - episode 2 - created and hosted by Fritz Donnelly

#florsheim de bogglebeard #spells #magic #dwarf #voices #funny #comical #strategy #flee #escape #dnd #d&d #animal #horse #tavern #inn #firstlevel #1st #horse #clericsymbol #red #fire