a Bit of a Moan

Oct 01, 2015, 09:08 AM

I am terribly sorry everyone; this Boo got a heck of a lot more emotional than I ever intended. If you don't feel like listening to me whinge on about my problems, I will entirely understand. It's just that I am feeling really trodden-upon at the moment by a well-meaning but exacting parent, and since I need help to get furniture in here and move things around, I feel like there's nothing I can do about it. If I change anything, I'll never hear the end of it. I appreciate the help, please don't misunderstand that, especially because it's really the only help I can get at the moment. But at the same time it's, well, not all that helpful if you know what I mean. :-) Perhaps I shouldn't post this, but it may help to explain why I'm sort of in a tizzy right now and therefore not at my best. #emotions #parents #thoughts