Brown Guys are Sensitive

Season 1, Episode 46,   Oct 01, 2015, 08:33 PM

We jump on the mic to throw it down over the second part to our Varun Lella interview, but first we have to address the mud mask I was wearing (which I graciously let Akaash make fun of). Then we move to the interview with Varun. We talk about holding space for two ideas: the idea that other communities have advantage,s and the idea that that advantage does not define us as people. We also talk, of course, about the topic of East Asians not being seen as sexy. Akaash expresses his surprise...that there is surprise! Once we move into community we discuss an article sent to us about Ahmed being black and not brown, and another article about how we are language shaming people and what that may be about. We had a blast recording and we hope you have a blast listening.