Videogame BANG! Episode 58: The Gaming Drought is Over!
MMMBAYBAAAYYYY!! Welcome to a new episode of the Videogame BANG! This week we are singing in the rain because the console video game drought is over people! Granted these are the initial showers for whats to come the rest of the year, but the BANG! gang has had our hands on Assassin's Creed Unity, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, and we still got Super Smash, Far Cry 4, Dragon Age, and GTA V next week!
Cory is joined by Aaron Carter, Steven Gutierrez and Jada this week and not only are we talking about all the latest and greatest games this week we also have some tragic news to discuss about the new Fantastic Four movie, if we are even still calling it a movie and not an abomination... also we are talking Laurel Lance's new Black Canary costume in the Aarow franchise, as well as a plain old Aaron Carter Rage Rant on the X-Men Films.
Finally rounding out the show we are announcing the winners to our Macy Rose/VGB #RoseBANG giveaway from twitter. Two lucky winners will be crowned. And if you didn't win this one stay tuned for even more giveaways in the coming months!