The Brain and Consistency

Dec 01, 2015, 08:55 AM

The answer lies again, in integration. When the hemisphere that is responsible for visual input is suppressed, it is as though that information doesn't exist. We record it but we can't do anything with it (doctors call the Visual Processing Disorder). When we work on the integration between hemispheres, we allow the information to be "seen", to be recognised and used. Hence we can teach someone to read, to decode, to follow sentences in a short span of time when they are integrated and accessing all information that is available to them. Do you know of anyone who does not want to increase their bet none. Everybody would love to have some additional brain power that they can benefit from. It's just that many people believe that we either have the wits or we don't. o matter how hard we try to study in school, if our brain can only do this much, then that's that, and that's a big but, there are ways to boost one's intelligence.