A Christmas Eve instruction

Dec 24, 2015, 02:22 PM

Christmas Eve mass

A time for reflection

But for her

She was thinking of anything but

The birth of the baby Jesus

She felt naughty

And alive

For she had been given instruction

Her eyes danced with mischief

Her secret

And his

She knew he must have smiled

As he typed the words

Wondering at her reaction

Feeling a delicious tug

At the thought of her

Doing as he had directed

Up went her skirt

Past the lace top thigh highs

Dark against her pale thighs

She tugged her black lace knickers down

Off they came and down went the skirt

Smoothed along her thighs

Enjoying the feel of her naked skin and sex

Against the skirt

It was a first for her

And she found it a most delicious practice

Every time she crossed her legs

Every time she moved

She was aware of her bareness

She thought of him each time

Knew he would be pleased

And this aroused her

As pleasing him always did

Going to church would never be the same…