Episode 6: Dr. Jason Hanley, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Jan 06, 2016, 10:15 PM

Ohio is really the last place I thought I would be in the sweltering heat of early August. However, Presidential Debate Season said otherwise. I should have known the highlight would be about music, since the first person I ran into was Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. Cleveland is to Rock and Roll as Iowa is to presidential elections; an important place where legendary things happen.

After touring the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum, and running into an old sailing coach, I was escorted into the office of Dr. Jason Hanley, Director of Education at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Dr. Jason is, in fact, a doctor of music. I enjoyed meeting with him, and admire his work, and I hope you enjoy this episode of Volta Insider as much as I enjoyed creating it.