124 Big Mark for America My House My Rules

Feb 14, 2016, 02:52 PM

Our society has long upheld the idea that whoever pays the bills has the authority to set the rules. In particular, the courts have upheld that government may regulate what government subsidizes. Regulate means control, and subsidize means pay for; thus, government can control what government pays for. Government pays for your education in public schools, and government pays for your pension when you retire. Government now increasingly pays for your healthcare, via Medicaid and Medicare, and there are government subsidies for people who are out of work, and for many other things. Democrat candidates for President want the government to pay for higher education in public institutions. The government is beginning to subsidize - pay for - your entire life. And remember: what the government subsidizes, the government can regulate; what the government pays for, the government can control. And, increasingly, that is your entire life.