Tub Talks: Conversations in the Bubbles With Florence and Anonymous Special Guest

Feb 14, 2016, 10:51 PM


How to Shoot a Low Budget Movie. Q & A with Sasha Santiago at 3B The City Law vs Homemade Bed and Breakfasts from those in the thick of it.

Then at about 20 minutes: Tub Talks in an Anonymous Bathtub Somewhere in Brooklyn or Quuens

then at 50 min: Keats (3 years) typing a real movie right now. "I'm working on my super woman radio show... I can change into batman and superwoman.... If I go underwater or if I sense something I turn into superwoman...." first aired 12/12/2015 on Radio Free Brooklyn

#tubtalks #funwithfritz #radiofreebk #radiofreebrooklyn #bathtub #filmq&a #highline #shootingfilm #indiefilm #undergroundmovie #lowbudget #3B #zeropoint #sasha #audience #laugher #manhattan #nyc #newyorkcity #chelsea #joeswanberg #mumblecore #murdermystery #crossdressing #applause #catering #transcripts #appeal #court #throwcaseout #newtrial #bureaucracy #citizen #summons #pleadguilty #innocent #firstammendment #courtroom #theman #thepower #justice #myriad #weirdness #environmentalcontrolboard #shakedown #federal #airbnb #bedandbreakfast #withflorence #florence #refinancing #nycapartments #landlord #bubbles #time #elastic #elastictime #alarmclocks #naturalway #wake #rem #cycle #remcycle #dreamstate #hoursofsleep #personalspace #toetalks #zebra #directness #eastvswest #whereareyoufrom #california #passage #bunkbed #santa