Dark Matter

Feb 17, 2016, 10:37 AM

Music and Production: Audiothrillseeker Words and Voice: Dave Migman

Matter, dark

Did you touch the wall? Did you feel it? The awful sound That bubbled beneath your palm When you connected to the cold, Didn’t you? Did you feel the pulse of atoms, the swirl of neutrons The rhythm of our night! Can’t you sense it in the early Hours? This hushed expectation That wields the pregnant labour Of potentials, the enquiry Of inspiration, gargoyles gasped, The night is hewn from Matter, dark, but can’t you sense It out there? Beyond the old town Shutters? On this Sunday night of Existence, everything waits, everything Holds its breath and waits.

Our hearts fused like resin, a congealed and glassy scab of confused emotions I let you in, with a smile, that led to a kiss, that led to our passionate release led to war led to peace led to our ungainly fall

I do not blame you. I do not hate you I am aware of the swamp of parodies we traversed to seek the finality of our screams

So now I seek to learn contentment in the shell of a pack-less wolf to fill the shell with life. And no looking back.