Ink and Worm 13: Poetry, Happy Valentines Day

Feb 18, 2016, 09:00 PM


The Guests: Cooper Wilhelm: Twitter: also, Abiola Lawal:, Portfolio, IG: Musecian

The Books: “As Planned” by Frank O’Hara, Robert Creeley, James Schuyler, Sonnet 16 by Shakespeare, The Poetry Foundation, Robert Hass, “Stardust” by Neil Gaiman, “The Hidden Messages of Water” by Masaru Emoto, “Infinite Jest” by David Foster Wallace, “Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain, “Otherland” Series by Tad Williams, Dr. Seuss, “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams, “The Illustrated Man” by Ray Bradbury, “Nameless” by Grant Morrison, “Stoner Coffee Table Book” by Steve Mockus

The Music: “Walk in the Sky” by Bonobo and Bajka; “Between the Bars” by Madeleine Peyroux

Writing: Hit the wikipedia random article and write!

Movies: “Stardust”: WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN’T! :), “What the Bleep Do We Know?,” “American Crime Story”

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