Season 2 :: Episode 17 :: Epilogue

Mar 01, 2015, 12:00 AM


Grab your proton packs and PKE meters! Ghostbusters: Resurrection is a cinematic roleplaying podcast set in the present day with the same lore, weirdness, and comedy of the films, games, and comics.

After saving the world from the clutches of two very miffed European evils, the Central Florida Ghostbusters are eager to get Stateside. They head to New York to meet up with Ghostbusters HQ, debrief, and decompress. But there's never a dull moment for the boys in beige - Briggs' date is kidnapped in broad daylight! The Ghostbusters soon find themselves in very big trouble with little time to spare.

Notice some spook or specter at night? Call the professionals: (321) 209-2020

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: