Nerdy Show 238 :: Nerdy Show Goes Back to the Future

Oct 19, 2015, 12:00 AM

Every other week, The Nerdy Show Network‘s flagship podcast pours over the latest geek news and happenings!

Great Scott! It's October 21st, 2015! You know, the future?

Well look, we might be 15 Jaws movies short of perfection, but at least the much-prophesied future brought you Nerdy Show, right? At least we're not living a multi-national lie of shadow governments controlled by lizard people, right? That would be absurd. Anyone who told you that was clearly a nut job and you should probably call the human police on them. That is the normal thing to do. Fact is, we're hard at work on hoverboards and self-lacing sneakers. Clearly the future-present is a-okay. Maybe the Cubs will even win someday.

Join Cap, boR, Nicky, and Doug as we go back to Back to the Future, share complicated feelings about Pepsi products, play Rock Band 4 and Star Wars: Battlefront, take bowel advice from a unicorn, recommend an unnecessary sequel that has no right being good, and definitely don't crack open a conspiracy concerning subterranean reptillians' iron-fisted control over the U. S. of A. Seriously, who even believes that?

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: