: Batman and Alan

Episode 21,   May 29, 2014, 12:00 AM

This podcast is legal to drink in all 50 states and the E.P.C. crew are celebrating with a heaping helping of nerdy goodness!

Everything from comic books, rap songs and avant-garde truck theater are shared and discussed. The gang files two field reports before launching into their thoughts on the Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon series. SO MUCH SPIDER-MAN! Then they welcome Comic Book Historian Alan Kistler to Studio 6C as he regales us with tales of sci-fi conventions, Grant Morrison, and unofficial cook books. Then to top it all off the boys are challenged to a Batman trivia contest to settle the age old argument once and for all… who among them is the greatest Batman nerd! Do we all have to start calling Nelson… Reverend Nelson? What fetish does Charles discover that she is REALLY into? Will Schaffer ever find an outlet for his rhino love? All of this and more is discussed and snarked at in this latest episode of the EPIC PIEcast.