: Luv Lyne

Episode 18,   Mar 27, 2014, 12:00 AM

The boys are back with another episode in three fun-filled sections. First, we welcome Schaffer T. Darklord back from his west coast tour before talking about Greek logic, Star Trek and the value of time travel as a plot device. Also, the Walking Dead is still…um…the Walking Dead. Then Lugo and Schaffer turn their attentions to love and romance as they answer listeners’ questions with highly suspect and definitely questionable advice. What’s Lugo’s safe word? How do you ruin Schaffer’s eye makeup? What the hell is a “monkey fist?!” Then in the third segment the boys are treated to the company and charm of Charles Stunning. The trio reveals the winner of the EPIC PIEcast Mad Libs Contest and performs a dramatic reading of the winning entry. Buckle up, EPIC WINNERS; this episode is going to crazy town, and you are all invited.