Episode 127 :: Nerdy Show Book Club – Ready Player One

Mar 09, 2013, 12:00 AM

Grab your oscillation overthruster and shove some garbage in your Mr. Fusion, ’cause we’re blasting off into 1980s obscurity! This month’s community read-along is Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One a book tailor-made for any geek nurtured in the neon womb of 80s excess and schooled on some of the greatest nerd-centric pop culture ever made. But is a book written by a nerd for nerds a good thing? Can carefully catered niche references go too far? And how does its sci-fi story stack up against its contemporaries?

Join Cap, Hex, Colin, Brandon, and Tony for another adventure into the dog-eared pages of Nerdy Show Book Club. Find out what other books we’re reading and what we think about ‘em. Get in on the fun and read along with us!