Daily Market Roundup: Likes of Glencore and AAL not being sold in market rallies

Feb 25, 2016, 02:28 PM

Zak Mir, Technical Analyst for Zak’s Traders Cafe, was alongside Bill Hubard, Financial Analyst and TV Legend, when he opened the Tip TV Finance Show to discuss the most recent macro news including discussion on the Federal Reserve and their outlook on the US economy and interest rates, plus the G20 meeting and more.

Topics Covered: Federal Reserve, US, Banks, G20, PFC, NXT, EMG

Watch the Tip TV Finance Show every weekday on www.tiptv.co.uk from 8am for the Morning Meeting, 10am for Macro Market Musings and 1pm for the Technical based show.

AAL, banks, Brexit, Cable, China, Consumers, economic growth, EMG, Fed, Federal Reserve, Fischer, G20, GBP, GBP.USD, Glencore, IMF, Interest Rates, loans, negative rates, NFP, NXT, oil, PFC, US, Volatility, Yellen