HTE 196: Being an Entrepreneur is About Learning To Fly By the Seat of Your Pants | Lilli Weisz

Mar 07, 2016, 04:26 PM

My guest today is a digital organization and productivity consultant. She is also a GTD fanatic and digital entrepreneur.

She is the founder of Simplified. Started in 2009, my guest has spent the past 7 years helping overwhelmed professionals, just like you, use technology to become more efficient and productive in their day.

Now, let's hack... Lilli Weisz.

In this 42-minute episode Lilli Weisz and I discuss:

Marrying well. Having a great, stable relationship Why being unemployable has worked well for Lilli Figuring things out every day (and flying by the seat of your pants) How working online is a lot like high school

The Show Notes

Simplified Val Geisler on Hack the Entrepreneur Getting Things Done by David Allen Smart Passive Income with Pat Flynn LilliĀ on Twitter Jon on Twitter Show Sponsor: