Evo-Stik Extra - 19th March 2016

Mar 18, 2016, 04:47 PM

A preview for this weekend's Evo-Stik NPL fixtures.

On this week's show, Ben was joined as always by James Heyes from the NPL Facebook Group. On this week's show we also preview this weekend's matches in the league with Non League Daily Editor Mark Carruthers.

In addition, this week we also hear from Rushall Olympic Manager Richard Sneekes, and we discuss Nantwich Town and the FA Trophy, with RedShift Radio's Jonny Crowther.

The opinions expressed within this programme are solely those of the contributors involved, and do not express the views or opinions of the Northern Premier League or Evo-Stik.

With Thanks: Music by Hard Luck Child - www.unsigned.com/hardluckchild