Linda's Deliverance from Spirit Husband and Snake

Mar 21, 2016, 04:55 PM

As I begin the FIRE Prayers, the Holy Ghost started separating Linda from EVERY spirit that was not of Him. As the Holy Spirit was doing His mighty work in her, the demons began to cry and weep mightily. They screamed, “No! She’s mine! No! No! No! She’s mine!” Holy Ghost FIRE cleaned Linda and now she is TOTALLY free to serve Christ Jesus in spirit and truth. Take note, what the LORD God instructed Linda to do in reference to the way she adorn herself so she would remain free. Ladies, who do you think it is that suggest that you dress to look sexy? It’s not the Holy Spirit! Its spirit python and deliverance is needed in Jesus’ mighty name! To request a session, call the Deliverance Conference Line at 712-775-7031 and enter Access Code 335950 or via the web at ALL CALLS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. WARNING! DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS MAY BE PRESENT. Shalom † #thechildrensmite