Deliverance from Pornography

Mar 26, 2016, 02:01 PM

Vitaly made a deep mistake. He visited a pornographic site on his computer. Realizing this was wrong; he confessed his sins and asked forgiveness from the LORD God. He knew he was forgiven, but felt uncontrollable and unpleasant feelings of lust in his stomach. As he was browsing the internet for help, the LORD led him to our program on YouTube in which he immediately sent a Skype contact request. Seeing his request, the LORD instructed me to accept it. I then referred him to our website in submitting the Deliverance Request Form. Immediately Vitaly submitted his request; and when I saw it, the LORD advised me to call him immediately. With Vitaly’s permission, watch his testimony and session in its entirety. REMEMBER, the same GOD who set Vitaly free desires to set you free.

To request a session, call the Deliverance Conference Line # 712-775-7031 and enter Access Code 335950 or via the web at ALL CALLS ARE PUBLIC, RECORDED AND SHARED ON ALL OUR PROGRAMS. WARNING! DEMONIC MANIFESTATIONS MAY BE PRESENT. Shalom † #childrensmite